Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Walk In The Park....

Today Lonnie and I decided to walk the dogs to the park... We have been talking about this since we moved in "We can take them everyday" Well, today we did.. the park is only about 3 blocks away so really, we should have been doing this.. not like its way out of the way.. we got to the park and it was beautiful! The lake there in the middle of the park was like a picture.. the water was like glass and the sun hit it just right to make me think this could be in a movie. We walked the trail around the lake with Meko and Mia... everything there was new to them, so they were going crazy.. and didn't do bad when other dogs came by. As we came around the one side of the lake, we ran into a flock of geese. Meko went crazy.. and Mia joined in just because..haha. it was really funny to see them go wild over them. We will for sure be back !!!

1 comment:


ABSOLUTELY beautiful! Isn't it crazy when we discover a place so amazing and wonder why we hadn't made it around to it earlier? :-)