Monday, November 29, 2010

My Birthday Dinner....

This year we had my birthday dinner at Yoshi Hashi Sushi !! Its a great place to eat !! I had some friends join us and was so happy they did ! One of the reasons I wanted to eat there is because I wanted to try the blow fish aka Fugu !! Im not a big sushi eater other then shrimp.. but when you live in Okinawa.. you have to try it.. so, a bunch of us did and live to tell about it... haha.. Fugu can be very deadly if it is not done the right way.. and that is the other reason why I wanted to go to Yoshi's. Yoshi is the man who invented the California Roll.. while he was living in the states in LA.. So, not only did he prepair our sushi/fugu.. but we got to meet him and have our picture taken with him..

Friday, November 26, 2010

I turn 43..

Well, the day was here and gone and now I am 43 years old.. seems a little weird to me when I think about it. When I was little I always thought that people who where in their 40's were so old... But I don't feel old..and most days, I feel great !! I have two amazing children that I love so much and I am so proud of them.. and a amazing husband, who is my best friend and don't know what I would do without. Today on my birthday, we tackled "black Friday' at the BX here on base, came home and then got ready for my 75 min massage.. OMG is all I have to say about that... Lonnie BBQed for dinner with some leftovers from Thanksgiving, Both kids were here, so I opened my gifts, ate CAKE !! and then Lonnie and I went to a movie !! I could not have asked for a better day !! Thank you Lonnie, kids and friends for making it a great one !! Love you all !

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone !!! This year we are doing Thanksgiving at home.. we were going to go to our friends house (Noels) But after Lonnie and I sat and thought about it, this may be our last Thanksgiving with both of our kids in a long time.. after moving back to the US, Kayleigh will be living on her own and not sure where... and Nickolas wants to join the Army, so who knows where he will be. Soooo, we are doing it here.. We invited Alex and his mom to come over and Christine and Alex Kelly will be coming too...The Williams Family is very thankful this year !!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Bowl....

This year Lonnie got to play in the 1-1 ADA Turkey Bowl. This is a fun game of battery against battery.. Lonnie is in HHB (the red shirts ) . He had alot of fun, met the ground twice.. and is pretty sore this AM..I think that he is realizing that he is NOT 22 anymore but 42 (haha). I came at the beginning of the game, Nick came out during his break in school and Kayleigh and Alex came and sat with me too !!! So we all got to watch the "old man" play football !! It was a great day !!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

1-1-ADA Saint Barbara's Day Ball

This year we went to the St. Barbara's Day Ball as members of 1-1 ADA and not guests... We had a great time.. although we missed our friends Juan and Raquel because then had to go back to the states on leave. We had a great time with everyone else ! Lonnie got to wear his "party shirt" that he bought when he was in Afghanistan and was the hit of the ball!! I wore a dress that my dad helped me pick out when I was in the states in Aug/Sept to visit him. After the ball, we went to the O'Club, danced and had a great time there !!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to all who have served, or who are still serving, our country. I will forever be grateful for all the sacrifices you have made and continue to make. It is because of you that we are able to live a life full of hope, dreams, and freedom.