Friday, March 21, 2014

Weekend Getaway..

This past weekend Lonnie and I went to Long Beach and stayed at the Shelburne Inn. Martha had gotten us a room for Christmas last year and we needed to use it before it expired..

We left Friday after work and headed down.. half way there we remembered the paper work for in leave it to us to forget it.  We got to Long Beach and checked into our room.. it was amazing. There was a sitting room, bedroom and our own bathroom. Also, there was a door that lead to a garden off of the sitting room.  We called Martha and met up with her at the Roo for dinner. 

The next day we had planned to hit the beach for a run.. well, our "run" ended up being a walk.. who knew that running on the beach would be so hard.. haha..  We had passed a car that was stuck in the sand when we got on the beach, so we went over to help them out. After a few tries we got it unstuck.  Then we headed back to the Shelburne and had breakfast, changed clothes and set out for the day. We went down pier to see the open market, but they didn't have it up and running yet, so we decided to go for a drive instead.  We drove over to Ocean Shores and around the area. We got back to LB and walked around there for a bit, went to some antique stores. Then we got the great idea of going to one of the light houses. We decided to hike up to Cape Disappointment. It was a nice hike and a great workout being how we didn't go for a run.. we then came back and got ready for a nice dinner at the Shelburne .. AMAZING !!!  After dinner we went over to Martha's house to visit.

Sunday we got up and got ready to head back home.. we had our last breakfast at the Inn and had Martha join us. 

We had a wonderful time.. and the weather was beautiful, we could not have asked for a better time :) It was a great little getaway!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Dash

Earlier this month I set out to find a 5k to do.. my goal is to try to do one each month. I found one for this month.. The  St. Patrick's Day Dash in Seattle. Our heat started at 9am and  I am happy to say that I met my goal of running/walking it under an hour !!  I have been "training" at the gym on the treadmill on running more.. looks like it has paid off.  After the race we headed for the beer garden were we had lots of fun, dancing and green beer. It was a fun day even if it did rain. Thanks to Lonnie, Alex and Kayleigh who ran with me !!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sounders Game

On Saturday Lonnie and myself went to our first Sounders game !! The Sounders are Seattle's Soccer Team, they played Toronto, Canada. We lost 2-1 but had lots of fun. We took Alex with us, Kayleigh had to work, and met up with Matt in Seattle. Lonnie got the tickets for free which is great. He got them through the military.