Monday, September 13, 2010


During my time in the states, I flew to Graham Washington to see another one of my best friends, Nicole. It was her birthday and since I was in the states, I had to go and see her. I spent 5 days with her and her family and love hanging out with them. I will be back in Dec. to ring in the New Year with them.. Cant wait !!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept. 11th... 9 years later

While I was in the States.. I flew to Seattle from Spokane .. it was a "weird" day, the airport was almost empty and quiet. It made me think of 9 years ago. Thinking about where I was and what we were doing at that time. Now, with Lonnie home from a year in Afghanistan I am so proud of my husband. THANK YOU TO ALL THAT SERVE !!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lonnie + Dentist = Braces

Well.... after 20+ years of waiting.. Lonnie got braces..funny thing is, he was not expecting them when he went in that day to the dentist. But they look great and I'm really happy that he has them at last.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nick Football

This year Nick is playing football.. I have always wanted Nick to play, but we always said we would never push our kids to play sports... so when he said that he wanted to play this year I WAS SO HAPPY !! Nicks position is Wide Receiver, but also plays Tight End. The team travels to different places such as Korea and Mainland Japan. (Won both games) I missed his first game because I was in the states, but Lonnie, Juan, Kayleigh and Krystina went and cheered him on !!