Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Spokane pt.1

So, this year we desided to spend Christmas in Spokane with my Dad.. but let me start from the beginning.... Friday(12/17) we woke up at 6am.. Lonnie went to work, Nick went to school and I ran around doing things for the trip. By the time I was done packing and doing the things around the house that needed to be done it was well after midnight .. and we had to be at the airport on base at 430am to check in on Sat (12/18).. so I stayed up. We packed up the cars, and headed to the airport, 5 bags and 4 people.. we waited, and waited, and waited.. and then at 730am (on Sat 12/18)) they told us that only 3 people got on the flight and we could try again at midnight. Soooo, we went home... I made a few phone calls to let people know what was going on.. and then went to bed.. this was about 9am on Sat. .. I got up at 4 and messed around the house. We packed up the cars again around 11pm and headed back to the airport.. this time to see if we could get on a C 17 (a cargo plane) WE DID !!! So, at around 4am on Sunday(12/19).. we were off to Hawaii.. now remember.. we are on a C-17 that is cold and somewhat uncomfortable.. but we were on !! We go to Hawaii and had to get off the plane to recheck in again in two hours.. also remember.. we flew into Sat. (12/18) We got back onto the C-17 and were off to California. We were there for about 15 1/2 hours.. so we got a room and slept !! When we got up it was time to go back to the airport and get back on another c-17 to Washington !!! We got in to McChord AFB at about 830pm on Sunday night (12/19) and went straight to a hotel on base to sleep. When we got up, we took a shuttle to Seattle airport to get a rental car.. and started driving to Spokane.. where we are now. WO W!!! It took us 2 days, 2 C-17s, 3 flights, 1 ocean, 2 countries, 3 states, and 1 five hour car ride.. but we made it to my dads house... Now, if we could just get over the jet lag...... Merry Christmas !!!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

This year for Christmas Eve we were in Spokane. Lonnie, the kids and I packed up the car and drove to Kimberlee and Colin's house for dinner.. Mom and Steve were already there, along with Siara and Liam. Candace came over later and we all ate dinner together.. it has been about 3 year since we were together for Christmas Eve. We opened gifts and got to talk to Erik who was still in Korea.
So happy to be home !

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Melting Pot with Mom

Kimberlee and I took our mom to the Meltng Pot for dinner tonght.. Siara and Kayleigh came too, so it was a girls night out. It was my moms first time to the Melting Pot and she liked it !! It was a lot of fun just us girls !!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

2010 Christmas Letter

The Williams Family 2010
2010 was an eventful year for the Williams family. Overall it was a good year marked by some milestones. It brought some events to a close and other events opened new chapters in the lives of each of the members.
Lonnie: for 7 months of this year Lonnie was in Afghanistan finishing up his year long tour. He was in Kabul working the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) which belongs to NATO. It was a successful tour and Lonnie made it back safely. When he returned he started a new job as the battalion signal officer for 1-1 Air Defense Artillery. This was a return to the tactical roots of Lonnie’s career as an officer and a welcome change. Work is going well and he is looking forward to the next 7 months of the new year before he will go to his next assignment which is unknown at this time.
Liz: Liz began the year as a full-time teacher’s aide at Stearley Heights Elementary School. She decided in April to quit working full-time and focus on the family and home. It was a nice break for her for the rest of the spring and the summer. When fall began she decided to substitute as a teacher and/or an aide. She now chooses what days to work and what days to relax. A nice combo if you can get it. Liz went on several adventures while Lonnie was downrange. She went with friends to the Sapporo Ice Festival in mainland Japan in Februarry….”ITS COLD!!” she told Lonnie over skype. Liz also went to Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima and visited the war sites where the nuclear bomb was dropped during WWII. It was a wonderful bit of travelling for her and her friends. Liz is looking forward to finishing up the family’s tour here in Okinawa and finding out what new adventure lays ahead for the Williams family.
Lonnie and Liz: The two of them celebrated their 20th Wedding Anniversay on June 30th. Unfortunately Lonnie was still in Afghanistan but he made up for that over the 2009/10 New Year by giving Liz her anniversary ring 6 months early. It has been a long and wonderful road travelled together. They are looking forward to the next 50+ years together.
Kayleigh: Kayleigh finished up her freshman year of college at the University of Maryland University College-Asia here in Okinawa and enjoyed the summer with her remaining friends from highschool. She began her sophomore year and managed to fit in a boyfriend into her busy schedule. Alex and Kayleigh have been dating since April and are going strong. He is half-Japanese and his mother is from Japan. They are wonderful and the family loves to visit with them. Kayleigh will finish up her second year of college here in Okinawa and then make a decision as to where to go to school when the family gets back to the US.
Nick: Nick finished his junior year and enjoyed his last summer of high school. He started his senior year by joining football and played his first year. It was a lot of fun for the family to see him out on the field. He previously ran cross-country but decided it was time to try a new sport. Nick has also found time for a girlfriend. Nick and Jobelle have been going strong for several months now and she is a very nice girl. Nick is plugging along working to finish his schooling and then will decide whether or not to pursue college or the military. Right now the military looks to be winning but time will tell.

The Williams family wishes everyone a happy holiday season and the best new year!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"See you later"

Well.. Tuesday was a very hard day for the Williams family.. Let me start from the beginning.....

I met Raquel in 2008 when I came back from Christmas break and started my job at Stearley Heights.. She was the one that I followed and she showed me how to do things...We had talked about how we (Lonnie and I) went to the O'Club all the time on Friday nights..she and Juan went too and we found it funny that we had never seen each other... then .. we did.. and started meeting on Fridays at the club. On Easter, she was having one of the Cisneros BBQs and invited us over.. and that was it.. we were together everyday after that.. She is amazing person.. and her family is just as great.. Lonnie and Juan became great friends also and her son Emilio is amazing also.. and we are so proud of him like he was our own.

We knew that the day would come that one of us would have to PCS and leave.. and that's one of the worst part of being in the Military.. having to say "see you later"..its NEVER goodbye.. but its not easy either.. your friends become part of your family.. you spend every holiday with laugh, cry, vent, and celebrate with them... and that is why it was so hard to say "see you later" with Raquel. Juan, Raquel and Emilio will always be part of our family..

So, on Tuesday December 14th.. Lonnie and I took Juan and Raquel to the airport.. watched them go through security and down the corridor. I managed to make it out of the airport with making to much of a scene.. and then got a phone call from Raquel.. Just to say.. "See you later"..

I love my friend.. and miss her already !!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Army vs. Navy Game 2010

This was our last Army/Navy game on Okinawa .. and Army LOST !! We are so sad about this.. we even left early... But, I did get some pictures and got to see friends that I have not seen in awhile.

Mt. Rainier

These pictures were sent to me today by my Father-in-law of Mt. Rainier... Those are called "lenticular clouds" They're caused when the
winds are just right so when they flow over Mt. Rainier ,
the air gets pushed upward where it cools and
condenses into clouds.. Depending on the winds,
you can get some amazing clouds formations as we've
seen so far today. Here is more information on what causes
them from an earlier blog entry.
It's usually a sign of rain within 24 hours because typically
the moist flow that precedes a storm around here
is the perfect set up for these clouds.

Thought that I would share them with everyone...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oreo Balls from bloger Pencil to Paper

The Oreo Ball Incident
I'm not much of a cook. It's not a self-truth that I'm pleased with, but there it is. My lack of skill in the kitchen is a combination of utter laziness and relative ignorance. So when I do find myself in the kitchen, it tends to be a bit of an adventure.One such adventure occurred a couple of days ago. I call it, "The Oreo Ball Incident."First of all, I'll start by filling you in on what an Oreo Ball is. In case you don't already know. (If that's the case, don't feel bad! I just discovered them...a couple of weeks ago?)An Oreo Ball is a delectable little treat comprised of pulverized Oreo cookies and cream cheese, mixed together and rolled into balls. Then dipped in chocolate.In short, they're a high-calorie, sinfully tasty treat. And they're fairly easy to make!Well...they're supposed to be fairly easy to make. But I'll get to that.We'll start off with the recipe.

If you can't read my handwriting, click HERE.
I made a couple of slight changes to this list. The package of Oreos I bought was 16 ounces. And I didn't use shortening. I'm honestly not sure what difference in outcome I would've gotten if I'd used the shortening, so feel free to not cut that out.Here's exactly what I used.

Prepare to be crushed, Oreos!

I used a mix of semi-sweet and milk chocolate.But most of it was semi-sweet.Instructions
Mix cream cheese with electric mixer until fluffy. Add crushed Oreos and beat on high until well mixed. Chill for at least 2 hours in the freezer. Then roll Oreo cookie mix into one inch Oreo Balls
Next, melt the chocolate chips and shortening with a double boiler or in the microwave
Dip the Oreo balls completely into the melted chocolate using tongs or a toothpick
Put on wax paper. After the Oreo balls harden, keep them in the refrigerator
Makes about 3 or 4 dozen Oreo Balls, depending on the size Um, that does sound pretty easy, huh?The first problem is that I don't have an electric mixer. I had to crush up my Oreos the old-fashioned way.I created my own process. I used a wooden spoon, a glass, and a measuring cup. Oh, and a bowl. Of course.Operation: Cookie CrushIt was impossible to crush all of the Oreos at once. So I'd grab up five or so at a time, chuck 'em in the bowl, and use my big wooden spoon to break them into more manageable pieces.

Oreos, meet Wooden Spoon.Then, once I'd broken them up into smaller pieces, I used my bowl and a glass as a makeshift mortar and pestle. That's right, I'm resourceful.

When in doubt, improvise.The 'not pictured' step is when, after smashing the Oreos to teeny tiny bits, I used a rounder-bottomed measuring cup to make sure I'd gotten all the big chunks.So, a step that would have taken...a few minutes? with a proper mixer instead took me...somewhere in the ballpark of two hours. Also, it made my arms sore.But I think I did just as good as any fancy electric mixer.

After a couple of hours of hard labor, ta-da!Pulverized Oreos.Not too shabby, eh?Mixing MissionNext comes mixing the cookie bits with the cream cheese. Luckily, with the crazy amount of time I spent just crushing the cookies, my cream cheese had more than enough time to soften.P.S. It's a huge pain the the rear to whip cream cheese into a fluffy-ish state with only a wooden spoon.But I ended up with this—

Cream Cheese ÷ Wooden Spoon = Whipped Cream Cheese + Sore ArmOnce the cream cheese was beat into submission, it was time to mix it with the crushed Oreos. Which is, again, easier said than done because I still have no mixer.
So I thought, like the Oreos, maybe it would be easier to mix the crumbs in a little at a time. I put in one of the three bowls I'd managed to fill with a whole package of Oreos' worth of crumbs.

See? Three bowls worth of crumbs.Oh, and there's the measuring cup I used for step 3 of my crushing process.
It did not go so well.

My crumbs are overwhelming my cream cheese.
In the end, I resorted to dumping in all of the crumbs, discarding the spoon, and getting down and dirty. That's right. I mixed 'em up with my bare hands.
It actually worked quite well.
Although if I had had a mixer, I'm sure that would have been easier. And probably cleaner. But, like I said, I was forced to improvise.
So, after mixing the crumbs and cream cheese, I popped the...dough? into the freezer to chill for a couple of hours. Which gave me time to clean up the horrible mess I'd made of my kitchen.
By the time my couple of hours were up, I had a nice clear surface to work on again. Which I needed, because the next step involved rolling the dough into little balls, dipping them in melted chocolate, and placing them on wax paper to harden.
Only, I didn't have wax paper. Fortunately, my non-stick cookie sheet worked just as effectively.
Roll, Stick, Dip, Repeat
For the most part, this went much more smoothly than the initial smushing and mixing.
And melting chocolate smells really good. The chocolate I used was Ghirardelli. I used a combo of semi-sweet and milk chocolate. But mostly semi-sweet. (In hindsight, I totally would have used all semi-sweet. Just sayin'.) I dumped two cups worth into some tupperware and popped it into the microwave until it was totally melted.

Chocolate, pre-melting.
I was not super picky about the size I rolled the dough into. The recipe said one inch balls, but...mine vary in size. Which I don't mind, but that does cut down on the number the recipe will make. I definitely did not have 3 or 4 dozen.
I used toothpicks to dip the Oreo balls into the melted chocolate. And my tupperware was shallow enough that I ended up using a spoon to make sure the entire thing was covered. There's probably a better way to do this. Or a more efficient way. But it worked out just fine, anyway.

Left to Right: Bowl of dough, un-dipped Oreo balls, tub of melted chocolate.Oh, and my non-stick pan—subbing for wax paper.

Chocolate-covered Oreo ball vs. naked Oreo balls.
The only thing that I'd really change about how I dipped these puppies in chocolate would be—okay, there's two things.
First, I guess I got a little over-zealous when I started out. The first Oreo balls to get dunked have a touch too much chocolate on 'em. Which tastes great, but...I can't actually bite into them. I have been using a fork to make the initial break. Then I can bite into them. Again, not a huge issue, but just a note to self (and to you, if you decide to make these!) for the next time.
Second, I didn't take the toothpick out before they hardened. So they're stuck pretty good now. So far, I haven't had an issue yanking them out before biting forking into them, but still. Although honestly, I'm not sure how you'd get the toothpick out once they've been dipped without getting big fingerprints in the chocolate. So...if you guys come up with any good methods, pass them along?
So, after all of the dough had been rolled and dipped, I popped them in the fridge to harden. They're also supposed to be stored in the fridge when you're not eating them or taking them to parties. And, if you do end up with 3 to 4 dozen and no way to eat them all, they'll keep in the freezer for three to four months. So there's that.

Chill out, little dudes.
Since I'd started my project in the evening—and it had ended up taking me so much longer than planned—I didn't actually eat any of these that night. After they'd hardened, I moved them to their own little tupperware home, and saved my taste test for the next day.
It was a success.

Yeah, that layer of chocolate is just a little too thick.But the creamy insides are delightful!
Mission Accomplished
All in all, the finished product turned out pretty darn good. Some of the fancier Oreo balls I've seen have melted white chocolate drizzled on top to make them prettier, but I had neither the patience, the inclination, or the white chocolate on hand to do so.
But I'm still very proud of how they turned out.

They look pretty darn good considering it's my first time making them. And I had to use prehistoric methods. And okay, they may be a little too hard to initially bite into, but they still taste really good! Especially with milk.
Chocolate + milk = Delicious.
Another thing I love about this recipe is that there's no actual cooking involved. So if you don't end up having to do like all of the mixing by hand, it's actually pretty quick and easy. They make great finger foods at parties. Trust me. This is how I discovered them in the first place!
So there you have it! Ta-Da! Oreo balls.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go eat one. Or two. Or—no, probably just two.
But we'll see...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Party at Wanda's

white elephant gifts

Juan, Raquel and me

Juan, Raquel, Me, Wanda

This year we had our "work" Christmas party at Wanda's house.. I say "work" because it was not the big SHES Christmas party from the school.. it was just a few friends from school, mostly aides, but we had some of teachers that we really love and our school nurse there too.. Love her, so much fun ! We all brought food and talk about food.. SO much !! Lonnie could not come with me this year, he was in the field doing whatever he does in the field.. I had so much fun! Thank you Wanda for having it at your house !!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Pictures

Well, this year we got our pictures taken by my friend Aviva Bowman.. she the amazing lady who took Kayleigh and Nicks Sr. Pictures.. and so of course I had to have her take our last Christmas picture her on Okinawa, and she did an AMAZING job.. there was not one picture that I didn't like. Here is her website if you would like to get yours done..

Go to her site and take a look at her pictures.. and you will see why so many people love her work.. not to mention, she is a great person too.. so nice, and make you feel at ease taking the pictures.. I can go on and on about her.. but get ahold of her and see for yourself !!

Thank you Aviva for all the memories you have given to us !!! (Picture of family at the top of my blog was taken by Aviva Photography)

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Birthday Dinner....

This year we had my birthday dinner at Yoshi Hashi Sushi !! Its a great place to eat !! I had some friends join us and was so happy they did ! One of the reasons I wanted to eat there is because I wanted to try the blow fish aka Fugu !! Im not a big sushi eater other then shrimp.. but when you live in Okinawa.. you have to try it.. so, a bunch of us did and live to tell about it... haha.. Fugu can be very deadly if it is not done the right way.. and that is the other reason why I wanted to go to Yoshi's. Yoshi is the man who invented the California Roll.. while he was living in the states in LA.. So, not only did he prepair our sushi/fugu.. but we got to meet him and have our picture taken with him..

Friday, November 26, 2010

I turn 43..

Well, the day was here and gone and now I am 43 years old.. seems a little weird to me when I think about it. When I was little I always thought that people who where in their 40's were so old... But I don't feel old..and most days, I feel great !! I have two amazing children that I love so much and I am so proud of them.. and a amazing husband, who is my best friend and don't know what I would do without. Today on my birthday, we tackled "black Friday' at the BX here on base, came home and then got ready for my 75 min massage.. OMG is all I have to say about that... Lonnie BBQed for dinner with some leftovers from Thanksgiving, Both kids were here, so I opened my gifts, ate CAKE !! and then Lonnie and I went to a movie !! I could not have asked for a better day !! Thank you Lonnie, kids and friends for making it a great one !! Love you all !

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone !!! This year we are doing Thanksgiving at home.. we were going to go to our friends house (Noels) But after Lonnie and I sat and thought about it, this may be our last Thanksgiving with both of our kids in a long time.. after moving back to the US, Kayleigh will be living on her own and not sure where... and Nickolas wants to join the Army, so who knows where he will be. Soooo, we are doing it here.. We invited Alex and his mom to come over and Christine and Alex Kelly will be coming too...The Williams Family is very thankful this year !!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Bowl....

This year Lonnie got to play in the 1-1 ADA Turkey Bowl. This is a fun game of battery against battery.. Lonnie is in HHB (the red shirts ) . He had alot of fun, met the ground twice.. and is pretty sore this AM..I think that he is realizing that he is NOT 22 anymore but 42 (haha). I came at the beginning of the game, Nick came out during his break in school and Kayleigh and Alex came and sat with me too !!! So we all got to watch the "old man" play football !! It was a great day !!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

1-1-ADA Saint Barbara's Day Ball

This year we went to the St. Barbara's Day Ball as members of 1-1 ADA and not guests... We had a great time.. although we missed our friends Juan and Raquel because then had to go back to the states on leave. We had a great time with everyone else ! Lonnie got to wear his "party shirt" that he bought when he was in Afghanistan and was the hit of the ball!! I wore a dress that my dad helped me pick out when I was in the states in Aug/Sept to visit him. After the ball, we went to the O'Club, danced and had a great time there !!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to all who have served, or who are still serving, our country. I will forever be grateful for all the sacrifices you have made and continue to make. It is because of you that we are able to live a life full of hope, dreams, and freedom.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

This year for Halloween we stayed at our house and had friends come over to BBQ and hand out candy.. and boy, did we hand out some candy.. we ran out and had to go in the back to get away from the kids.. this is after we bought 15 bags of candy and Raquel brought some over too... Kids were coming from everywhere !! It was nice.. we had the Kelly's and Cisneros' over for a BBQ before the trick or treating started and then filled our wine glasses and went down to hand out the candy. It was great weather too.. no rain like last year. We got to sit out in T-shirts and no jackets this year. It was a fun night !

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Typhoon Chaba

So, I GET MY TYPHOON !!!! At last, I get to go through a typhoon !! It will be my first this tour and I am so excited !! Typhoon Chaba is heading our way and at this time we are in TCCOR-2. Lonnie and the kids got to go through one when I was in the states and I was so bummed, so this is making up for it. I went to the commissary and got things that we will need and we put sand bags on the trash cans and put things away. It should be here sometime tonight/early AM.. WooHoooo!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Juan's 50th Birthday !!

This past Friday, Raquel threw a 50th birthday party for her husband Juan. Juan's birthday is the same day as Lonnie's (Oct. 19th) but because we celebrated the big 50, we had a big party. There was food, an open bar, dancing, a DJ, cake and a GROG !! That right.. a grog !! It was so much fun! There were a few good friends that contributed to the grog, Noel, Cisario, Lonnie and Raquel. It really turned out pretty good. BUT.... The best present of the night was that their son Emilio came home from Boise Id. for the party !! Thank you Cisneros for letting us be a part in a wonderful night !

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lonnie's Birthday

Well.. here he is another year older ! Lonnie had a good birthday this year.. he came home thinking that we were going to go to a movie and that we were waiting on friends to get here.. little did he know that I had made plans for friends to come to the house and surprise him. We had pizza and cake and he got to open gifts.. Oh, and his birthday is the same as Juans. So it was a double Happy Birthday ! Happy Birthday Lonnie !!!!