Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"See you later"

Well.. Tuesday was a very hard day for the Williams family.. Let me start from the beginning.....

I met Raquel in 2008 when I came back from Christmas break and started my job at Stearley Heights.. She was the one that I followed and she showed me how to do things...We had talked about how we (Lonnie and I) went to the O'Club all the time on Friday nights..she and Juan went too and we found it funny that we had never seen each other... then .. we did.. and started meeting on Fridays at the club. On Easter, she was having one of the Cisneros BBQs and invited us over.. and that was it.. we were together everyday after that.. She is amazing person.. and her family is just as great.. Lonnie and Juan became great friends also and her son Emilio is amazing also.. and we are so proud of him like he was our own.

We knew that the day would come that one of us would have to PCS and leave.. and that's one of the worst part of being in the Military.. having to say "see you later"..its NEVER goodbye.. but its not easy either.. your friends become part of your family.. you spend every holiday with laugh, cry, vent, and celebrate with them... and that is why it was so hard to say "see you later" with Raquel. Juan, Raquel and Emilio will always be part of our family..

So, on Tuesday December 14th.. Lonnie and I took Juan and Raquel to the airport.. watched them go through security and down the corridor. I managed to make it out of the airport with making to much of a scene.. and then got a phone call from Raquel.. Just to say.. "See you later"..

I love my friend.. and miss her already !!