Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reunited.. after 40 years !

Here is a story for you: I/we have been in the Military for 15 years now.. when I was little we my Dad(retired Army) was stationed in Munich Germany.. I was about 4/5 years old.. I had two good friends there, Suzy and Lisa that I played with every day.. fast forward to 2011: I have been on Okinawa for four years and have rowed for the Army Women's Dragon Boat Team for four years (5 total).. I get this message on FB from one of the girls.. she starts by saying " I knew a girl named Elizabeth McFarland when I was little.. in Munich Germany... could this be you?? Me: " Umm .. yes I was in Germany" Turns out, she is Suzy.. my friend from when I was little.. 40 years later !!! I had been with her for 3+ months !! We went to dinner the other night and did alot of crying and laughing!! Life is amazing !!!

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