Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Visit to Texas !

This month Kayleigh and I flew down to Texas to be with Erik and family. They were going through some hard times and needed some family help. Kayleigh was there for two weeks and I was there for almost 4 weeks. I got to eat lunch with the kids at school everyday which was a lot of fun. It had been a long time since I had to get up early with children and get them off to school, but I did it ha ha.  While we were there, we went to The Waco Zoo, where we met Kristian and Kristine with the Samantha and Wyatt, The Thinkery in Austin, got to see the Capital in Austin, went to Lego Land and to a Pumpkin Patch with everyone, and we went to Garage Monkey Bar and Grill for lunch. I also got to see Austin and Gage learn to ride their bikes without training wheels!!  I had taken a ton of pictures, but I somehow deleted them. Here are a few off of my phone. Warning.. Picture over load ! 

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