Tuesday, September 18, 2012

He's In The Army Now....

On Tues. September 18, 2012 my son Nickolas Alan Williams swore into the U.S. Army !! It was a very proud day for his dad and I.  It seems like yesterday that I had him and now at 19 years old he is now in the Army.  I am beaming with pride for my son, who is following his dream of being in the Army since he was 5years old.  I remember him talking about wanting to be a "Army Guy" and now it is a reality.   This is so different from being a wife of someone in the military. With Lonnie, I knew going in what was involved, but with Nick.. well, I have a whole other set of emotions going on. Happy, Sad, Proud, Scared... the list goes on.  Nick, your Dad and I love you so much.. you will do great and we are so proud of you !!  Hoooah !!

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