Molly is here !!! We went today to pick her up :) Linda fb'ed me the other day saying that we could pick her up this weekend.. so at 10am we were at her house getting her. She is a bundle of energy that's for sure.. but she already has us laughing. Meko seems to like her, he lets her jump all over him and bite his tail. Mia on the other hand is not thrilled..ha ha.. She seems to like her ok when we are outside in the back yard, but when we come in she growls and show some teeth at her... she is very clingy to us and does not like it when Molly come near... However, she will just need to get over it.. ha.. Meko was not thrilled when we brought Mia home either. I think that when she understands that Molly is not going anywhere, she will be fine.
Lonnie and I took Alex, Kayleigh and Nick to a rock concert last night.. it was so much fun. We went and saw Motley Crue and KISS. I had seen MC back in 1987 in Pullman Washington. I have always wanted to see KISS and when we saw they were coming.. we jumped at the chance for tickets. We had wonderful seats. (spent enough for them) and do a great view. The kids really seemed to enjoy the concert and Lonnie and I had a blast singing along with all the songs. It was fun to take them to hear "our music" .ha ha.. Here are some pictures of the concert.
We did it !! We now have a new home !! I am so excited and really it has not sank in yet that this is ours. While going to bed last night, I looked at Lonnie and told him " I feel like we are at someones house, not ours" ha ha I love my home, and after a week of moving we are in. Now comes ALL the UNpacking. I'm going to take my time.. really wanted it done by the end of Aug. but the reality is, there are just to many boxes. We have boxes that we have not seen in 4+years, but I can say, we are going to have a HUGE yard/garage sale. I have been out on our deck drinking coffee, skyping with my sister in law, and playing with the dogs, who by the way are not sure what to do with the yard..haha. I will be updating with pictures to show everyone the progress of the house. Here is the First picture and the Last picture :)